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Sacral Chakra Oil

Heart & Vine Apothecary

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The Water Chakra is also called Svadisthana, which means “take pleasure in the abode”, and is the center of creativity, sexuality, pleasure, and emotionality. The energies that work through this center are the ones that help to bring new thoughts and ideas into consciousness, allows them to take form in the mind.

Imbalance can lead to either sexual addictions or a total lack in interest. You can also be so creative in other ways that there is little to no energy left for the chakra to devote to sexuality and vice versa. You may also experience an inability to control your emotions, or perhaps one emotion overrides all others. When this Chakra is out of balance, the keyword is “excess”.

This Chakra loves warming aphrodisiac herbs like Cardamom, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Clove, and demulcent/emollient herbs like Mallow, Elm, Plantain, Comfrey, and Violet. It is also affected by water cleansings, magical baths, singing, eating delicious food, and masturbation. Use pleasure as a medicine for this center, do what you love, what brings you joy, and do what you can to bring joy and pleasure to those you care about. Doing both will help to keep the Sacral Chakra in balance. Stones that help are River Stones, Citrine, Amber, and Carnelian.