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Power Oil, War Water and Peace Water - February 11th, 2025

Missives from the Apothecary:

Power Oil, War Water and Peace Water

February 11th, 2025

by Kamden Cornell, Old Town Herbal lead clinical herbalist and owner of Heart & Vine Apothecary

I’ve got some fun new stuff coming down the pike, inspired by a class in hoodoo I’ve been taking with Phoebe Hildegard Finch, Yona Glickman, and Professor Charles Porterfield. I’m really excited about them and I can tell you, these things BUZZ!

POWER OIL is a preparation meant to bring success and the ability to accomplish, to increase sensations of inner strength and self-empowerment. I’ve also been using it to add a bit of punch to the preparations I’ve been making, and it really does the trick! If you’re feeling down or like you just can’t face what’s coming, get some of this oil and use it to dress a red candle with your name carved into it or, if you're using a veladora, write your name on the glass with a Sharpie. As you do so, ask in whichever way makes the most sense to you that you feel a surge of power, that you be made the strongest you’ve ever been, that you become indomitable. Sprinkle the candle with something like clove powder, or ginger powder. You can even place the candle on top of or in front of a picture of yourself. Light it and let it burn to the socket.

WAR WATER is meant to protect you and your home, but also to damage your opponent. It is a strong, fiery, powerful force that directs the power of your desire to break down those who would do you harm and leave them battered at the door instead of all up in your business. War Water sprinkled outside of the home, especially in front of doors and windows, acts as a boundary that becomes uncrossable. This one is formulated to be effective against enemies of the air, land, and sea, and to turn their luck and treasures back toward you and your home.

PEACE WATER is a neat preparation using water and oil to create a two-layered concoction meant to bring peaceful energy and rest to your home or business. It is made using an oil of my own creation, Angelos Oil, which will also be for sale here soon, creating a connection to the great spirits of the planet and the outward manifestations of divine power. It is made to calm the storm, to ease the waters agitated by Fate, so that you can rest easy in your domicile. It brings sensations of ease, invites spirits of luck and well-being, and makes a true refuge of your home.

I’m still working on the flower essence library (coming, hopefully, really soon) and on a few other things, like Master Roots and Master Root Oil. We’ll let you know when it’s all prepped!

<3 Kami