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Allies for Cold and Flu Season - November 18, 2024


Allies for Cold and Flu Season

November 18, 2024

 by Kamden Cornell, Old Town Herbal head herbalist and owner of Heart & Vine Apothecary

It’s that time of year again when sniffles abound and fevers run amok. It’s a good thing for you that you can run down to our apothecary, Old Town Herbal, and have our herbalists mix you up the perfect remedy! Here are a few plants we rely on during the winter months to help stave off maladies from congestion to chills!

Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)- This herb has a long history of use helping to break high fevers and ease the symptoms of flu, such as body aches and sore throat, here in North America. It is a pyretic and diaphoretic, meaning it increases body temperature and induces sweating, which is the best way to help your body overcome fever induced by viruses. It also eases inflammation and swelling in joints.

Cleavers (Galium aparine)- A lymphagogue, cleavers help to promote the movement of lymph through the connective tissue and lymphatic vessels found there, which in turn helps one to get through and past things like pesky, lingering colds and their effects. It can also help to alleviate the soreness coming from swollen lymph nodes during an illness, making it a friendly addition to the use of things like boneset and elder.

Elder (Sambucus nigra)- One of the truest and most tried herbs in the apothecarist’s arsenal, elder is a very useful herb for fighting viruses. It has been used to reduce symptoms of cold and flu and as a preventative to these ailments. It is also useful for upper respiratory issues, such as congestion, runny nose, and cough. The berry is often used by itself and is an excellent source of antioxidants, but we find that it is most effective when used with its flower, as well.

Garlic (Allium sativum)- No write-up on anti-virals would be complete without a mention of garlic. This is one of the best, most effective, and fastest acting herbal allies to help fight viruses in hard to reach places, such as the lung. The active constituents of garlic rapidly enter the blood, helping to route whatever viruses are hiding out in even the deepest tissues. We have some locally grown garlic from Good Dirt Farm available at Tiny Grocer ABQ!

Orange Peel (Citrus sinensis)- Any citrus fruit peel can be used to help get through a cold or flu, as they contain high levels of vitamin C and citric acid, both of which are powerful aides to the general immune system. Orange peel in particular, which contains hesperidin, helps the gut microbiota absorb more nutrients more quickly, meaning it can aid in the bioavailability of the other herbs you’re using! Old Town Herbal currently carries grapefruit, lemon, lime, and orange peel, so there are a few options for you!